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Leiden Station Square

The area around Leiden Centraal Station is in the process of ongoing transformation. Recently, PosadMaxwan designed the squares for both front and back sides of the station and asked me to do two images for them. These rather high-level impressions were to show the intentional use of the spaces, focusing on liveliness and mixed functions. 

If you'd like to know more about the Station development please visit:

 Leiden Station area vision.


Rhinoceros, Blender- modelling, scene

Cycles renderer - images

Photoshop - postproduction

Year: 2021

Client: PosadMaxwan


Strupinski | Statenweg 185B, 3039 HP, Rotterdam, Netherlands | KVK nummer 77596161 | t: +48 608389484|+31 (0)630606128 | e:

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